Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Sneek Peek Coffee Klatch With Leslie D.Soule

Happy Saturday everyone!  Today on the Sneak Peek Coffee Klatch we are thrilled to have Leslie Soule as our guest.  Her latest YA fantasy Fallenwood was released yesterday from Decadent Publishing.  Grab a cup of your favorite coffee and relax.We have hazelnut, creme brule, dark roast, regular blend, and decaf.  If you prefer tea, we can brew a pot, too.  There's cinnamom rolls for everyone.   

Welcome Leslie!  We’re so happy to have you join us today! 

  1. Did you always want to be a writer?
Actually, when I was little, there were two things I wanted to be – a writer and a magician. Writing fantasy allows me to do both.  J

  1. Do you have a favorite author?
I have a few favorite authors. In first place is J.R.R. Tolkien. Second place goes to Jack London, and in third place is Brian Jacques, who just recently passed away.

  1. What genre do you write in? Why did you choose it?
I’ve been experimenting with a lot of different genres lately, to get a feel for them and because it’s really fun to try something new. So far I’ve tried out Supernatural Romance (“The Devil’s Bidding”), Horror (“Poisoned”), Historical/Mythological (“Trial By Fire”), Steampunk (“Birds of a Feather: The Search For the Universal Solvent”), and Fantasy (Fallenwood). To me, trying out different genres is like tasting different flavors of ice cream.

  1. What was your first publication?  How did you react when you first found out your novel was accepted?
My very first publication was “The Devil’s Bidding” and when I first found out, it was a shock. I was very happy, but very surprised because writing is an incredibly difficult thing to break into.

  1. Do you have a specific routine when you sit down to write? 
Not really. I like to brew some tea and listen to music if possible. But I never know when my muse will hit, so my routine varies.

  1. What was your inspiration for your latest release, Fallenwood?
Fallenwood is a story that grew each time I thought about it. I had all these ideas that were just sort of floating around in my head before I started writing any of it out – I drew a picture of the Wolf King back in high school. The inspiration for it came from so many things – my stepfather’s death, my experience working retail, people I’d met, names I liked that stayed with me, etc. That’s why this novel is one that I think of as my “baby”.

  1. Are any of your characters based on someone you know?
Yeah, they sure are. Ash is based on a younger version of me, trying to deal with my stepfather’s death. Will is based on a martial arts friend of mine. Prince Edward’s emotions come from me, but physically he’s just what I find attractive in a guy (blond hair, blue eyes). Greymalkin’s personality is based on my stepfather and the whole chapter about the Wryk tree is based on a story I was told about my stepfather. Akaji is based on an ex-boyfriend of mine.

  1. If you could spend an afternoon with one of your characters, who would you choose, and why?
Hmm…good question. I think I would want to spend an afternoon with Will Everett. Even though I based him on a friend of mine, Will’s a bit different. Also, since he’s in the fantasy realm Fallenwood, it’s like there are hidden depths. I imagine him having an amazing library and knowing things I can’t even imagine.

  1. What is it about your new release that makes it special?
Well, it’s special to me because there’s so much of me wrapped up in this novel and so much of what I’ve gone through. It’s no coincidence that Ash runs away after her stepfather’s death and tries to make sense of things. Writing Fallenwood has been really cathartic for me, and having it released will be wonderful.

  1. Are you planning a sequel for Fallenwood?
Yes, I am in the process of writing a sequel. It will pick up right where Fallenwood left off.

  1. Do you have any other news to share with us today?

Not that I can think of. J

  1. Now, can we sneak a peek at your release? 

Yep! The blurb and excerpt are up at the Fallenwood page on my website.

  1. Where can we find you?  

My hangout spot on the world wide web is : 

Thank you so much for visiting us at The Saturday Sneak Peek Coffee Klatch today.  Leslie is giving an e-copy of Fallenwood to one lucky commenter.   

 Congratulations on your release! We wish you all the best.   


Author Leanne Dyck said...

Congratulations, Leslie. Fallenwood sounds very intriguing--a book the reader can get lost in. : )

Maureen said...

I've found your cover intriguing ever since it was revealed. You can just sense the weight on her shoulders... Very nice!

Congratulations on the new release!

Kathleen Ann Gallagher's Place to Reflect said...

Your passion for your story is evident in your interview, Leslie. Keep the fire going. Congrats!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I think I'm going to wait for a bit longer and see if we get a couple more commenters before I choose our winner. :)

Anonymous said...

1, 2, 3, 4, I de-clare...a winner! With the roll of a virtual die, our winner is Maureen!!!
I'll have the review coordinator at Decadent send you a free copy. :)